Winter Solstice - The Birth of a New Year

Birth is rarely a pain free process. Creation nothing short of transformative. It tests my tolerance and trust more fiercely than any other experience. Nearly ((every single)) time I find myself on such an edge, I waver. Pause. Sometimes, even, try to turn back. And yet, every time I stay with the ache in my heart, every time I willingly enter, knowing the experience at hand is the very thing I need to experience to move forward.

The Great Turning: Moving Through Transition

If you want to "change the world" tend to your own needs first. Keep your well healthy and full. DANCE! Acknowledge your unique skills and abilities and the ways in which you feel called to contribute to a better world. Some of us protect our waters. Others speak against inequality and injustice. Some of us teach or tend or love. Others dance and sing and pray. There are innumerable ways to contribute. Inexhaustible ways to show up in this world and take part in the Great Turning. Start by choosing the work that is directly in front of you - within yourself, your families, your communities. Stay present to the work that life presents and contribute as much as possible to the joy of the great unfolding.

Exploring Emotional Intelligence

Whether in the dance or in our lives, can we come to understand that emotions are not a problem?  Can we come to learn that what is here - within our bodies - is good and trustworthy, even if it's uncomfortable? Can we stay present to what arises, be open to our feelings, and continue moving in order to resource ourselves - on the floor and in our lives - expanding our capacity to feel and fuel it all?

Living Wholeheartedly

For most of my life I have been on a journey of the heart. Called to follow inner stirrings rather than rational explanations, routes and pathways. Sometimes I have followed it without fail, being led to blessings unimaginable. Other times I have suppressed and denied it’s whispers in order to “play it safe”. Mostly I have searched, explored, and experienced – through landscapes known and unknown, terrain both human and spirited – to learn that living with fullness of heart and awakening to the great love affairwith ALL of life is a journey of a lifetime; one that begins and ends in mystery.